My grandson, the Eiffel Tower.
Well the pax didn't hold for long upon our return. YHWH has been struggling to get through to the latest crop of frosh who she claims are greatest proponents of dullardry since her institution was founded. So I happened to see that the latest Time magazine cover story is about the multitasking generation. Generation M. It talked about how they do homework, IM, burn CDs, and Google their friends simultaneously. Asked how can these kids' brains do this multitasking, the nation's leading neuroscientist says, "They can't." It's not multitasking it's sequential processing. They're simply prioritizing tasks and performing them in a way that seems like multitasking. The result is that the more things you do at once the less quality of output. They're also being trained by their gadgets to think in ways that make the gadgets more efficient rather than the other way around. Apparently this isn't Luddite thinking or reactionary parent-talk; there's nearly a hundred year body of literature based on studying factory workers and soldiers, etc. So I start telling YHWH about this and in about the time it takes to IM a zit-stricken multitasker The Self starts slamming doors, crashing dishes, muttering loudly, crying, you name it, before stomping off with a final door smash. So it was a nice week while it lasted. Back to the old grindstone. My new grandson will NEVER be a multitasker! I swear on Marat's grave!
New grandchildren: 1
Cups of coffee: 2
Incense sticks burned: 3 (cedarwood, pine, Tibetan lotus)
Sinks unclogged: 1
Episodes of Sopranos watched: 1
Slices of pizza for lunch: 3
Comments on BananAppeal: 2
Shifts on desk: 2
I think Baby Eiffel has your eyes. Kudos to SGK for carrying him to term! Your entry and photo made my day; I am still laughing about it. What is it about 2nd borns and their incredible imaginations?
...and I just want to know how you know it's a boy?
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