Saturday, July 29, 2006

Checker Out

In a beautiful moment of synchronicity, I logged in to post about my game-playing episode with Super Giant Killer when I got notification that Adjective Queen had posted on women and competition. Now I don't know what to write!

So, last night the Killer and I sat down to play the Nancy Drew Mystery Game. It was the first time either of us had played it and she picked up on it really quickly. But I had to watch her like a hawk because she is so competitive. She kept sneakily removing my game pieces and hiding them under the game board and growling at me when I got the better of her. Then she brought out checkers, which I didn't even know she could play and I myself had poor luck remembering all the moves and stuff like kinging. I took the first game and then in the second game she started in with the psychological warfare. She had me in a trap and she just couldn't wait to spring it. I was desperately scanning the board looking for a move....

SGK: It's your turn.
Me: I know, I'm thinking
SGK: Well, go.
Me: Hey, back off. I will when I'm ready.
Me: Hey, shut up and let me think! (should've done "it's not whether you win..." I know)
She runs to the bathroom and comes strolling in with her head wagging with hip-hop swagger...
SGK: Did you move, bitch?!
I could not believe she said that. I'm not even sure where she heard that. Of course, I wanted to roll over laughing, but I just ignored it and went ahead and moved into her trap.

I don't know, Queen. SGK is pretty competitive. It's not just in games, either. She competes with her sister, the kids at school, and her best friends. She has little scorecards for herself and everyone else. It's not 'scorekeeping' in the sense of grudges, but rather she'll say, "I read 100 pages and Classmate X only read 75." Or, "Sis says she's taller than me, but I can run faster." So far she hasn't become a bully, but it worries me.

I haven't read the Girls of Summer book, but I'm actually surprised it had to address competitiveness since one frequently hears how the two decades since Title IX have created female athletes who 'aspire' to the worst traits in male athletes. Check out the multiple listings on Bad Jocks and listen to Frank Deford on your beloved NPR.

1 comment:

Adjective Queen said...

Oh My God -- that is hysterical! How did you keep from laughing at SGK's trashtalk? That gives me lots of hope. This generation of girls is growing up with the freedom to express themselves and win win win!