Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is Christmas Safe For Animals?

Well here's the layout (click for larger). Those are penguins, reindeer and hallelujah snowmen in the red and green shortbread; they look pretty tasty up close, just don't photgraph well. I couldn't fit the 8 loaves of pumpkin bread and 7 loaves of chai spice bread (Killer snagged one of those before I could stop her) in the picture. When she walked in and saw all the stacks she said, "Dad! It's a holiday wonderland of cookies!" I ran some stocking stuffer errands this morning so I didn't get to the CCD cookies or the pain d'epice. There's always tomorrow. I was pretty proud I only made two mistakes - that I know of. In one I put in 2 tsp of baking powder instead of soda, but I was able to spoon it out before it was mixed in and I was baking some pumpkin bread in a coffee can like mom used to and I inadvertently used a 5# can instead of a 2# can and when the top browned I pulled it out and it was a big soup inside. No prob, just poured it into a loaf pan and it came out alright, just ugly.

Since the breads took an hour each to bake, I had time to watch Santa Claus Conquers the Maritians with Killer while I waited. It's a classic, y'know. How can you argue with Pia Zadora's debut?

Merry Xmas!


Anonymous said...

As an animal and recipient of some of the bounty, I say THANKS--it was yummy and I also enjoyed the cookie decorating evening.

The chai bread was particularly yummy, imho. I remember many years ago when I first knew you, you appeared on our doorstep on 41st street bearing homemade goodies--I was touched. And I still appreciate your efforts and friendship. Lots has changed since those days, but I'm glad we're still friends.

Adjective Queen said...

We should have had a cookie judging contest -- the top-five best looking cookies, and the top-five worst looking. I think I would have placed in each category.