Saturday, August 18, 2007

Almost. Always. Again.

OK, I guess it’s safe to come back. Based on recent retributive actions at the Last Public Place in America, I had a quasi-panicky reaction to posting until I could review my previous posts. But I did not give out any specifics and I only mentioned how much I simply adore the job. In fact, I think the only negative thing work-related was the cowardly anonymous hate comment I got a few months ago. So I think Gary has blown the all-clear sireen. Famous last words, huh?

I‘ve toyed with the idea of keeping this thing subscription-only, but where’s the risk in that? Between open access blogging and unsafe sex with dirty needle users, I guess I’ll take the blogging. Consorting with heroin addicts and trips to Africa will land you on the banned list at the blood institute and I’d hate to give up my only charitable outlet.

Still, I can’t promise it’ll be interesting anymore (if it ever was) with the Last Public Place and C. F. Kats off limits; they’re the most catalytic post-generators out there. And the most universally interesting. You’d think that since my friends make up the largest readership, there’d be plenty to talk about, but I realized the other day that I must be the weird friend or the charity friend of all my friends because I have very few common interests with pretty much everybody. Let’s run it down:

Baseball…maaaybe Purple Bunny
Knitting…Tex and Ste. Rose
Football….Guy and Tex sorta
Music… hmmm… cue Jeopardy theme …
Civilization … absolutely nobody
Politics… I always get the feeling I’m the token centrist or (relative) right-winger
History … hmmm … maybe everyone, but probably no one

That leaves out a lot of regular readers…
(And, no, I do not know why I have all these ellipses here)

Anyway with this nascent book career going – one on the shelf, one on the presses, one under consideration – and my three regular writing gigs at work, I’m running pretty low on creative energy. One thing I’ve been doing a lot lately is thinking about me and Kats. I decided to try and write a poem about us after I interviewed a couple of poets for a work project. I have never understood poetry, but some of the things they said made me want to try to write some for the 35,000th time. It’s not going very well, so don’t worry you won’t have to read it! One thing I did was try and think of who would write the novelization of our relationship and I decided it would be Thomas Hardy. YHWH quickly agreed. The movie would be directed by M. Night Shaymalan, mainly because of the many Sixth Sense correlations.

So who would write the novelizations of your big relationships? Or movie, if you're not a reader.


Adjective Queen said...

I really want my movie about my life directed by Frank Capra. I appreciate other directors, but have Quentin Tarantino in charge would really freak me out.

Tex said...

But the whole point of being you is being different.

Don't forget Oklahoma history--in the very large sense--that some of us share with you. Does that count for some of civilization?

I don't share your movie passion so I can't answer the director question--but it would probably have to be a book, anyway. Too boring a life for the big, or even small, screen.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you know it? I go away for awhile and when I get back I find out I missed a fight. And with nasty name-calling too, I bet. Well, nerts. Hmmm, if I could pick a director for my life story I'd choose Fellini. Lots of goofiness with an undercurrent of unease. Besides, Fellini had someone say in one of his movies, "Happiness is telling the truth without hurting anyone," a sentiment I like very much. But with my luck, Ed Wood would get the gig.