Oh, man after Monday night's drubbing of the Indians I was ready to dust off Bart Giamatti's "Green Fields of the Mind" with it's famous line (because I know you won't read the whole thing): "It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart." Both of my teams have been hanging in there really well despite major injuries at key positions. I, of course, dutifully picked them each to win their respective divisions, but on Sunday the Dodgers blew a 5-0 lead in the bottom of the 9th and lost 6-5 in 10 innings while Cleveland blew a 4-0 lead in the 6th and lost 8-4 at home. I just know that's how it's going to be all season. But then today C. C. Sabathia comes back from his month-long injury and throws five innings and allows one run for the win. In the rain. Against the White Sox. Very nice. "Hope, the anchor, bites and takes hold where a moment before it seemed we would be swept out with the tide." We're definitely winning it all, now. And since almost everyone I know who reads this thing hates sports all I can say is too bad; the Indians and Dodgers will be in the World Series and you will have to hear about it. You'll thank me later. And anyone who mentions Cleveland's mascot gets their url blocked.
Ok, it's dark green on the radar all over the top of us and I'm not hearing anything. That is so annoying when these big storms come up to our big heat dome and run off with their tails tucked between their legs.
Father of girls. I have no idea what I'm doing. I spent the evening witnessing the meltdown of a teen shopping for a birthday present for her boyfriend. Everything in Target falls into two categories: that's retarded and he'll think that's retarded. I tried to think of everything I had received at that age as a means of suggestion. When I was a pre-driving teen I would take virtually anything. Girls bought me stuff all the time - candy, shirts, little toys, sports stuff. We ended up with a t-shirt with something on it he likes, but he will hate it because it is the wrong size and wrong color for him. I promise he won't he even notice. Oh, and a mix CD. But he won't 'get it'. I am proud of her for not going way overboard.
On the other side of the planet Super Giant Killer is threatening to take over the family business. The other day she got to pick out some books with our special discount at Barney Noble's. She scoured the whole store and picked out a DK World Atlas, the Book of Firsts, and D-Day Landings. Check out the condition of her World Almanac for Kids, from which we are regaled with facts launched from the backseat of the car:

This book is three months old. I hope it last until the 2007 edition comes out.
Go Indians! I will admit to being a little less interested in the Indians since Grover's departure, but I wouldn't mind seeing them make it to the WS. I'm sort of over his ignominious firing so I can wish them well again.
Re: parenting girls--just keep breathing. You're gonna be fine and so are they. And Bart G's line might also apply to parenting children of either gender.
OK, I'm lost as far as the baseball stuff. And as far as girls, they've got to be just like boys, only more breakable. I'm with Tex -- just keep breathing. Breathe. Breathe.
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