Finished the Kidlet Tank last night. Pictured at left. Annoyingly, it only took one skein of yarn and about 10 yards of the next. So essentially I just added a big chunk of yarn to the lagniappe stash. I'm toying with the idea of spending all summer making small things to reduce the stash. It really bothers me knowing there is a growing fuzzy monster in the closet. Next up is a black felted bag for YHWH, a brown felted bag for YHWH and then some sox for Adjective Queen.
Had a nice afternoon with the Queen yesterday. We grilled hamburgers, and played baseball. Well, she didn't play baseball. I, SGK, Lego and Sport played. Sport's confidence is pretty amusing. When he got there I asked him if he had watched the NFL Draft. I told him his favorite team took a player from Tulsa and he says he will probably get drafted to the Patriots and make about $10 million a year. Every catch is a touchdown worthy of a dance and of course it goes without saying he is definitely faster than his brother. I hope he never loses that.
Also got to talk to Lego a little about airpower. He's going to join the Air Force. You've got a couple of heroes in the making there, Queen. Make sure Lego gets to see the Hindenburg video and listen to the famous Herb Morrison radio call. It's really cool if you can sync them together. Bet Overcoat can do it. I learned something about the ol' Hindenburg. I learned that I was among millions who think that the fateful last voyage of the 'burg was it's maiden voyage. It actually had flown over one million miles. One million! Also learned that airship travel is the safest available. But since nearly everyone in the civilized world saw the fiery totality of the crash, it killed mass airship travel for good.
I'm still trying to figure out what YHWH meant by comparing me to Tony Soprano.
Maybe that Tony doesn't suffer fools lightly? I hope it's not that you'd have your enemies killed if you got the chance!
Do I know adjective queen??
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