Monday, June 05, 2006

You Can't Make New Old Friends

The Self and I just watched The Fog. It's a pretty good ghost story. It's got a sustainable plot and just enough jolts to keep you awake. The acting is pedestrian, but it's more of a plot movie than a character movie, so it's fine. Go ahead and give it a try. Just remember it's a ghost story, not horror.

Knitting update:
The brown outfits bag:

The bag actually looks better than the photo. The middle stripe is a little more blended with brown than the grey that comes out in the flash.

The Queen's heel turned:

Jeez, Queen, what are those, size 5's?

YHWH and the self brought me some nice new incense. Japanese Pine, Nag Champa Shantimalai Red, and Meera Lemon Grass . Smells nice around here!

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