Thursday, June 08, 2006

You Soxy Thang

The Queen's first sock is finished. She proclaims it a perfect fit. Here's hoping I can get the other to match it! It looks a little squishy in this picture, but here 'tis:

In response to the Queen's comment on my last post, I had to call and ask my dad, but he said that the baby's aunt and grandmother assured him that the child was not his step sister and that they would be happy to raise her as their own. After that, we don't know what happened to her.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a story...beneath still waters and all that stuff!

Adjective Queen said...

Wouldn't it be weird if that baby -- all grown up - showed up at SGK's future wedding, started throwing money around, and crashed her car into the limo out in the parking lot?

Love the sock, and looking forward to meeting the mate.