Monday, April 17, 2006

You Can Pry It From My Cold Dead Fingers

For some reason we are having cable difficulties, so my posts will likely be spotty for the week (OK, cut it out). It's one of those classic Brazil situations. For one thing the cable in our bedroom has been slighty snowy since we moved in. Then Sairdy the modem goes out and the den cable goes out and now the bedroom one is fine. I called to report it and they said it would be Thursday. Thursday? I'll bet if I wanted to sign up they'd be right over. Anyway, I made sure to remind them I'd need to be credited for the time I had no service. They said OK, and the credit I get is $1.66. That's funny because I'm pretty sure I pay $100 for a month which comes to what $3-something a day and I won't have it fixed for five days, so it ought to be $16 or $17. Oh good, I get to make a call to customer 'service' now.

I did have something happen that was really creepy, though. I was driving in outer suburbia at dusk and I saw in the road what looked like a handgun. Naturally, when you see something like that you tell yourself either a)it wasn't what you thought it was or b)it was a toy. But I have seen real guns. I own real guns. And it looked real. So I spun around and went back toward it and opened my door and trawled slowly until I could see it. Yep. It was real. It was an automatic, probabaly 9mm. Then I got real panicky. I had the instinct to pick it up, but mid-reach I thought, "S**t, I'm not getting my prints on this. Probably a murder weapon or something. Probably thrown out the window during a getaway." Yeah, I know, too much CSI. So I drove off. Got about a mile and a half away and I started thinking, "S**t some kid is going to find that and blow his friend away. Or it may help convict someone." So, I turned around again. I figured I would pull off the road by it and call 911 on my cell and meet a cop out there and show him. And of course...I get there and the g-d thing is gone. Someone else got it. So all weekend I am obsessed with this. Did I even really see the thing? Who got it? Did the perp go back for it (not likely)? You're going to feel like hell if you find out a kid was killed by a gun his friend found on the road. Here's the real kicker. I finally got calmed down about it and rationalized it away (I figure that there was a car stolen nearby and the thieves threw out anything that would be traceable and put them at the scene or worse, they get pulled over and there's a gun in the car they can't explain). Then Sunday night we get into bed, YHWH turns out the light and we lay there for a minute and she goes, "Do you think we'll be judged harshly for the things we didn't do in this life?" Great. Thanks a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Charlton Heston would get the irony of this post. Scarey. And I wouldn't worry too much about the being judged part. :-)